Author & Educator

Two Time Award Recipient

I have to say being a recipient of both Awards was a real honour. Words cannot describe my feelings the moment I realised I had won the first Award of Excellence from the Peel District School Board and then the Kathleen Stroud Award from PLASP Child Care Services. I felt thrilled for getting what felt like an Oscar but also deeply moved that my work was acknowledged and appreciated in both PLASP and the Peel District School Board

The way my colleagues reacted when they heard the news for the award confirmed what I have always believed of them: that they are my second family. That we have been a group, we have shared moments of laughter, joy, but also moments of anxiety and concern. I am very grateful to them both PLASP and the School for embracing me with their love, respect and support.

Working for PLASP has made us more dedicated to providing high quality education and continuously trying harder to achieve high standards in teaching and caring for kids. We are proud to be members of an organisation that recognises and appreciates our effort to always go one step forward.

I couldn’t think of a better place than our meetings at PLASP to meet with staff from other programs and share our knowledge and expertise on teaching and caring for our children. I see our meetings as a wonderful opportunity to exchange ideas on how to demonstrate creativity and innovation in our programs, and how to make learning engaging, vibrant and relevant for kids.

Thank you PLASP and Thank you Peel District School Board

Last Day at the Peel District School Board 

My last day at the Peel District School board. Surprise farewell from all the PLASP kids I have taught at my old school over the past six years.
Saying goodbye and looking a head with new age, new board. I think back of all the beautiful memories I created in that school... blessed with amazing teachers whom I worked with. When our time comes to an end, I can embrace the transition as a time for reflection. To aid my “think back, think ahead” process I always leave myself a little letter. This is a practice that I’ve done on my own every year. I leave myself a note detailing the things that went well, some opportunities for growth, and words of encouragement for the future. (Video taken before COVIDE) 

The Kathleen Stroud Award 

Receiving the 2018 Kathleen Stroud Award winner - PLASP

The Award of Excellence

Receiving an award of Excellence from the Peel District School Board in 2017 - I could not have done it without the support of both PLASP and my School. Thank you for all the love and support you have given me.

40 Reasons why we love Ms. JiJi 

40 Reasons Why we Love Ms. JiJi was presented to me by the school in PLASP's 40th anniversary
Done by children, parents, and teachers. Working for PLASP and being part of the school has made me more dedicated to providing high quality education and continuously trying harder to achieve high standards in teaching and caring for kids. I am proud to be a member of an organisation and a wonderful school who went above and beyond to show me their appreciation.Thank you.

3 books have been published 

This pandemic has been a struggle and busy
On May 2020, I launched My first children’s book “The Nest in the Evergreen Tree “
And two months later, I launched My second one “Cheers to our Volunteer “
With hardly any books about volunteers available for young children, and how I struggled to find one as an educator to use as an introduction whenever I have a volunteer starting, so I decided to publish my very own Little rhyming story But it’s about more than just a volunteer-- this book was made to shed a light on the important role volunteers play in a child’s life
And finally I wrapped up this stay at home order with my third book “Becoming an ECE. 101 reasons why I love my job” launched August 3rd 2021. A beautiful journal full of photographs and stunning illustrations and notes about my journey as an ECE
With my personal experience written in beautiful lines, this book was made to make its readers smile (& discover the joy of the field). In one and a half years, during a lockdown and being off job for months... I was able to provide 3 books that carry 3 hugs full of love! With these three amazing books, your library will be in tip top shape!